Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Getting back to it!

Well its been a long time since i wrote on this blog, plus its been quite long time since i have actually played golf!

Last week was the first time i have played golf in quite some time, (months), and the venue was Quindell Golf Course  and when we arrived i was very excited. Massive automatic gates let us in and the course is surrounded by a plethora of Millionaires houses. So far so good!

The UK has been having a lot of rain lately so we were expecting the course to be a little bit boggy and upon arrival to the bar, (as it has no pro shop), was informed that buggies and trolleys were not allowed. bit of a problem for me as i had only brought my trolley bag. Once funds were sorted out we were then told that only holes 1-11 were in play! We were not happy but had traveled 40 mins to the course so decided to go ahead as we were told we could play them twice.

What they did not tell us was that of those holes 1-11 every single green was not in play and there were temporary holes for every hole!. We were not happy at all and made our feelings known at the bar.

I have to say that i would like to go back to this course however, just on a day when you can actually play it properly. It does seem to be relatively well kept and it has beautiful views. It unfortunately just left me with a sour taste in my mouth. I am going to give it another chance when the weather improves however.

With regards to my game, its kind of unfair to analyse as i did not get my putter out once because of the temporary greens, (which was more of a closet to the pole wins the hole situation).

I drove well and chipped ok, but hopefully back out to Denmead hopefully this weekend which i am looking forward to.

Anthony x